Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Portfolio Project: Reflection

To me I would say that overall my portfolio project went smoothly. I would say more smoothly than any of my previous projects despite the pandemic. Starting with the early stages of the project, that was a bit more rocky. I think it was because at the time I wanted to make sure that I had a solid and feasible idea and that stressed me out. But with lots of research and planning it really did help me find out what I wanted to do for my portfolio project. Everything after the initial idea was nothing crazy. I planned out how I'd film it and I thought out of the logistics of filming it. Fleshing out my story was not an issue either that to me came naturally and with little roadblocks.

Coming to the end of the portfolio project. It came about way more smoothly than I thought it would. Since the quarantine hit I was very uncertain about where my project was going and just what I would be doing for this class in general. Still even through all of that I filmed and edited my portfolio project without issue. I filmed all that I could and it ended out being slightly different from my original outlines but that is fine because most projects change a lot in the edit
My final thoughts are that the creation of the portfolio project is that it went by smoother than I thought but that is very much due to me scaling down my own ambition and having my main focus be how can I create this project as efficiently as possible. I would say that I succeed in doing that.

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