Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Getting Ideas

Now after doing some research and watching some great film openings I have to think up of a good idea that is worth creating. To me the hardest thing to figure out is what kind of horror am I going for? As that can drastically change my approach to how I create the opening. To me i'm trying to think of something more in the paranormal or slasher range. Maybe to have an opening similar to scream with some person being terrorized buy a knife wielding psycho. Or something more slow and subtle like something paranormal with a person being threatened by an unknown ghoul.

I think i'll try to focus a lot on the whole reveal aspect that I talked about in my previous blog. I really want to focus on something that can give me a good stomach dropping moment that will make the opening have more of an impact. I think that my idea will definitely revolve around that aspect. I mean after all I need to make an opening to set up a whole film, so I need an opening that is also interesting enough to stand on its own while also hooking the attention of the viewer to entice them to watch the ''full movie''. 

As of now those are my two big things that i'm thinking of while brainstorming for an idea. 1. Get you a man who does both: Make an opening that is interesting enough to hook someone and that makes them want to watch a full film, and make an opening that can stand on its own as well. And 2. Make an opening with some sort of stomach dropping reveal or event.

So far this is all I really have thought of. I went over american psycho which is a great character focused opening but I really doubt that I will take that route for my opening. As it doesn't have that big reveal aspect, although that is not to say that it can't its just that my brain can think up of more big reveals with different openings.

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