Thursday, March 5, 2020

Group Discussion

What I Learned From the Group Discussion

The recent group discussion that we had recently really helped me out and calmed me down too. Through the group discussion I realized that compared to my peers that I am still on pace with the project. That really helped to calm me down as it was good to know that I wasn't insanely behind everyone else and that I was instead right on target. 

It was also a big help to see how other people and what other people are doing for their projects, seeing their ideas and thought process behind their ideas helped shape the way I thought about my project. In my group a lot of the people had their actors and general set and character design nailed down. To me that showed how I was lacking in those aspects so I plan on finalizing that during this week. 

The group meeting was also helpful to see feedback on my project. It was reassuring to see the reactions people had to my project. I liked how from the first blog post on my page they were able to identify that it was horror which is good as you always want your genre to be noticeable. The group was also able to give me some good ideas as for what I should add into my opening. One was a recommendation to the channel Rob Gavagan. A horror you-tuber that goes over content similar to my opening and could be good grounds for research. Another really good recommendation was to make the killer in my opening this neat freak/control freak. I thought that was a more interesting idea what what I originally wanted which was just some generic character design for someone fitting that description, it was just going to be some guy who is messy and wears a lot of black and that now seems pretty boring compared to the new idea.

I am planning on taking a lot of inspiration from the opening of American psycho to put that control freak aspect into my opening. This works out great as American psycho deals with the same subject matter but in a different way.

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